Mila I had the pleasure to make the birth announcement card for Mila. The illustration is made with mixed materials from Air-brushes, ink and fineliner. More projects see below All3D TypographyABC posterBirth announcement cardBook coverBookletCardsHand letteringHand printedHandmade letter stampsIllustrated lettersIllustrationInfographicsLogoMagazine coverMulti-colourTypefaceTypographyWoodcutWork in progress typomapsMulti-colour, Typography André LuizBirth announcement card, Handmade letter stamps Lab Toekomstige GeneratiesIllustration, Infographics nr 443D Typography, Lasercut MelktandenBook cover, Hand lettering, Typography De DwalerBook cover, Illustration, Woodcut HappyNewYearsCards, Hand printed, Typography MilaBirth announcement card, Illustration Het beste uit onszelfBook cover, Illustration Hidden lettersABC poster, Typography Amado typefaceTypeface, Work in progress De Vlaamse potBooklet, Typography Aguna winesLogo, Typography AmadoBirth announcement card, Handmade letter stamps NEWBIES huisstijlInfographics, Logo, Typography MarjoleinTypeface, Work in progress Wild BirdsABC poster, Illustrated letters Mircobial BatteriesBook cover, Illustrated letters Bart AmbachtLogo, Typography Fifty at FiftyHand lettering, Magazine cover Hogere natuurkundeBook cover, Hand lettering Prinsengracht 969Hand lettering, Typography Slang MagazineIllustration, Magazine cover AmbersoniusTypography Stislow’s wrapping paperIllustration TiradeIllustration, Magazine cover MM nieuwsIllustration, Magazine cover FollowFollowFollowFollow