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André Luiz

André Luiz

André Luiz Amado got a litlle brother! and I had the honour to design the birth announcements card again. The design is close to the design we made for his big brother: A two colour design. With custom lettering of handmade stamps and the information set in the...


Mila I had the pleasure to make the birth announcement card for Mila. The illustration is made with mixed materials from Air-brushes, ink and fineliner. More projects see below AllABC posterBirth announcement cardBook coverBookletCardsHand letteringHand...
Amado typeface

Amado typeface

Amado typeface What started as a typographic experiment for the birth announcement card for my nephew Amado is becoming a full typeface. The typeface is designed for use in announcement cards. Because dates are very important with announcements there is extra...
De Vlaamse pot

De Vlaamse pot

De Vlaamse pot For my grandfathers 90th birthday I made a little recipe booklet with recipes from my grandmother. To celebrate his birthday but also to honour my grandmother and her cooking (who unfortunately past away in 2015). The booklet is called “de Vlaamse...


Amado I love to make  birth announcement cards. It is nice to make something for such a special occasions especially if it is for you own nephew. For this cards I did the name Amado with handmade stamps and the information is set in the typeface Amado. Fun fact: the...